
Revolutionize Your Quantitative Trading Approach

From Data Acquisition to Trading Strategy Execution – We’ve Got You Covered

Harbor Nexus



In the rapidly-evolving world of quantitative trading, advanced solutions that can keep pace with your needs are crucial. Meet QuantTradeMaster, the all-in-one algorithmic trading platform designed specifically for quant trading and hedge fund firms. Equipped with robust features and state-of-the-art technology, QuantTradeMaster is set to redefine your trading strategies, maximize your returns, and safeguard your intellectual property.

Key Highlights of QuantTradeMaster:

Comprehensive Trading Functions: Covering data acquisition, strategy writing, backtesting, and factor research.

Extensive Data Sources: Multiple market instrument data, including industry and company financials.

Millisecond-level Real-Time Data: Accurate and rapid data for timely trading decisions.

High-Performance Data Management: Variety of storage methods and concurrent data caching and loading.

Easy-To-Use & Efficient: One file for one strategy approach and lightning-fast backtesting.

Detailed & Automated Reporting: Covers all crucial trading statistics and reports.

Advanced Model Deployment: One-click integration with top machine learning packages.

Robust IP Protection: All trading strategies run offline to safeguard your intellectual property.

Rapid Decision-Making with Millisecond-Level Real-Time Data

Offering core functions, including data acquisition, trading strategy writing, backtesting, and factor research, our platform caters to the complete trading cycle. It embraces a multitude of data sources covering various market instruments - stocks, funds, bonds, forex, futures, digital currency, along with comprehensive industry and company finance data. With millisecond-level real-time market data, you can make trading decisions with unparalleled speed and accuracy.

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Dashboard showing easy to read reporting

Harness the Power of Your Computing Resources Like Never Before

QuantTradeMaster is engineered for performance. The platform supports a variety of data storage platforms such as Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB, HDF5, CSV, and more, delivering top data acquisition performance. Our platform also allows concurrent data caching and loading, running multi-process and multi-parameter trading strategies simultaneously to fully leverage your CPU or GPU computing power.

Experience Unmatched Efficiency with Lightning-Fast Backtesting

Furthermore, QuantTradeMaster offers ease of use with a one-file-for-one-strategy approach. It allows daily and minute-level backtesting, accounting for trading slippage and fees. With astonishing speed, you can backtest comprehensive Nasdaq data for the entire year 2022 in just 12 seconds on a desktop setup! (Intel i9-13900K CPU and 64GB RAM)

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Dashboard showing easy to read reporting

Automated Reporting - Your Window to Comprehensive Trading Performance

Automated statistics for benchmark, alpha, trading, and returns, coupled with detailed reports for backtesting, trading, delivery notes, daily trading order, fund usage, and returns provide a complete overview of your trading performance. The platform also delivers daily profit and loss reports and supports add-backs and adjustments with ease.

Your Intellectual Property Safeguarded, Advanced Analytics Just a Click Away

The cherry on top, QuantTradeMaster takes IP protection seriously, ensuring all your trading strategies run offline. Also, with one-click integration of machine learning packages including Pytorch, Tensorflow, or Keras, deploying complex models like neural network, boosting, LSTM or other classifiers and regressors is just a click away.

Dashboard showing in-depth search features